Become a VoidRabbit Rider
Do You Even Ride, Bro?
Please ignore the facetious heading but if the answer to this pointed question is, "Uh yeah, probably better than you", then you've come to the right place. After moving my life and my business 1900 miles into the heartland of the Pacific North West, or PNW for all you people who like to abbreviate sh*t, I've reached a point where I am ready to begin creating content on a much larger scale. To do that, I need riders, and hey! That's where you come in.
Sign Me Up
You might be asking yourself, "Well David, what exactly makes me eligible to become a rider for the Voidrabbit brand?" The answer to that question is quite simple. Wanting to be a part of something new and exciting is half the battle. The other half is being able and available. And comfortable on two wheels. I don't really want to catch you flying off the road in HD 4K hidef slo-mo in one of my high viz super awesome hoodies because you've been riding a motorcycle for 36 hours. Your life and that sweet little Ninja you paid 6k for ain't worth the free $55 hoodie that comes with being a sponsored rider.
But lets say you check all the boxes. You know how to ride well, you are either local to Coeur d'Alene, ID or able to create your own content, you have a bike and some time. Why dedicate that time to me? I have what I hope is a good answer for you:
VoidRabbit Apparel is a young company full of potential, much like a small sapling that will soon be a tremendous tree, or a child that is finally potty trained. We have awesome, high quality products, a great market that is always expanding, a dedicated following that loves our brand, and the ability to grow and evolve with our customer base. But I am just one man and I don't have any full time employees. I design the clothes, work with my factories overseas to bring in product, manage my social media myself and work with stellar folks like you to create exciting content that shows people what we do and why we do it.
Why VoidRabbit?
What I offer is the chance to get noticed by your peers, snag some free merch, be a part of a growing community with endless potential, and most importantly: Do you what you love on your own terms. Take it as far as you can. Go nuts, get wild, improvise and show people what you're passionate about. That's what I'm doing, and that's what has gotten me this far. We need people like you to take our brand to new heights. Who knows, in a few years you could be on T.V. next to Redbull riders and formula1 racers. The possibilities are endless and the cost of admission is only your time and creativity.
Getting a free hoodie is cool I know but those of you that really put in the time have the potential to make real money, boost your own following, generate sales and even participate in the creation of new merchandise. You get what you give. If this sounds like something you want to be a part of then please reach out to me, either through my site or social media or even directly through email at david@voidrabbit.com. If you love riding and have the time and dedication to create captivating, high quality content, then we would love for you to be a part of VoidRabbit Apparel.